M.O.O.CON Webtool

WebGL App on how to improve work infrastructure

We developed an engaging web application for strategic consulting firm M.O.O.CON. This tool assists clients in enhancing various aspects of their business and work environment, such as logistics, workplace appeal, and healthcare services. Users have two ways to use the tool: they can select areas for improvement to reveal recommended actions, or choose from available actions to see their impact on the business. Experience the interactive web tool firsthand on their website at https://www.moo-con.com/en/about-us/


The application was developed using ThreeJS, a JavaScript library harnessing WebGL technology. This tool is effortlessly integrable into webpages and has been fine-tuned for smooth performance across a wide range of devices, operating directly within web browsers.

Intro and Tutorial

A short skippable intro animation and tutorial builds up the different components of the tool and explains their function to explain the tool to new users and create an engaging introduction to the app.




UI Design
