Augmented Reality

Discover our AR solutions

Have clients and customers visualize your products in real-world environments, or utilize personalized experiences to create unique and memorable marketing campaigns. We offer a dynamic range of AR services. From WebXR to web-launched AR and custom-built AR apps, we bring your projects to life.

Native AR Application

These custom tailored AR applications will offer the best utility and customization, operating seamlessly and directly on any devices with AR support, even completely offline. They’re also easier to implement, upgrade and maintain, allowing for a streamlined and extensive development process.

Native AR applications cater to a range of industries and purposes. While they’re most suitable for personnel, there are specific use-cases that benefit from these apps. They can include dynamic product configurators, interactive sales apps, immersive training tools or even captivating games.

WebXR Application

WebXR is Virtual or Augmented Reality running directly in the browser by utilizing device capabilities in combination with WebGL and Javascript. While not as versatile as custom developed AR applications installed directly on the device, WebXR apps still allow for high levels of control for visual quality, animations, effects and scripting.

Since they’re web-based, they don’t rely on the installation of an app or plug-ins. That makes them perfectly suited for short AR experiences, high quality and complexity visualizations or configurators to be used by your target audience.

There are currently some limitations on the iOS browser Safari, but full official WebXR support is expected to be coming soon.

Red Bull Can Visualization


Coming Soon...

Coming soon…

Web launched AR models

3D Models and scenes can be experienced in AR by utilizing the platform integrated Android Scene Viewer and Apple Quick Look. While this approach to AR is a lot more limited in functionality, it’s implementation is straightforward and only requires a well optimized .glb and .usdz model file to work on both platforms. Like WebXR, it requires an internet connection to detect the device and load the corresponding model and parameters.

Web launched AR is best suited for mostly static product visualization or simpler animations. It’s especially beneficial as an addition to any existing 3d product library, like an online real-time 3D product catalog.

TBT Mega Queen

T&O Group Balloon

Animated Red Bull Can

Want to learn more?

Contact us and let’s explore how Augmented Reality can elevate your projects!