Feel your future home 360°

Feel your future home 360° is a service that lets you discover your future home or any other interior project ranging from hotels to shopping malls, even when still under construction. Usually the application consists of a main menu and at least one VR scene, where users can navigate through any space via gaze input control. The service is very versatile. Single projects may contain any number of scenes, use 360° photography or rendering in either monoscopic or stereo variation (both cube and spherical) and can even offer layers added ontop, to offer users the ability to change elements in the scene, like the floor of a room. Menu scenes and other interface elements can be simple but effective, or custom tailored and ambitious to create a more engaging experience.

Currently only deployed on Samsung GearVR, expansion on Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, WebGL and Google Cardboard are also possible if required.

Prop modelling and app development by VR-Interactive.
3D visualization and graphic design by Pipe Studio.

Client: Nous